after I was here back in January I got really sick. doctor gave me antibiotic and send me to bed. 2 weeks later I got worse between dizziness/vertigo I went back to the doctor they gave me more antibiotic something for the vertigo/dizziness and back to bed.
the dizziness was not allowing me to even open my eyes it was so bad. as long as I did not move I was ok. I won't let out that I had to literally crawl to the bathroom cause I was so dizzy.
it was actually comical and had to laugh about it. I am finally on the recovering side a few sniffles and can now drink my coffee.
I can actually sit up in a chair and even drove to chilli's to eat hehehehe.
but will not brave the weather for all the mardi gras parades that coming up tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday.
still got to get my strength back up and do not want to relapse. see y'all today