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 Post subject: Spawncamping?
 Post Posted: April 28th, 2019, 9:33 am 

Joined: February 16th, 2019, 4:33 pm
Posts: 2
I got some questions just so that I'm on the same page as the S*8 Clan

In the serverrules is stated that spawncamping is forbidden no?
And spawncamping is camping in your own spawn right? Because if I'm not mistaken shooting enemies who run out of theire spawn is spawntrapping? :?

If I'm correct this far do you guys mind if I ask why calihdt is permanently spawncamping and not even warned? Atleast thats how I see it. I aint got no problem if someone camps,
because that makes it easy for me to kill him and I also got no problem if someone kills me while I try to flip the spawn but it's really anoying and unfun to play vs someone who just
sits in his spawn... :(

You might correct me if I'm wrong tho!

 Post subject: Re: Spawncamping?
 Post Posted: April 28th, 2019, 2:16 pm 
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Hello, this is a very good and relevant question, and here is some clarification.

In the context of the rules of s*8, "spawn camping" and "spawn trapping" can be used interchangeably.
So, spawn camping is when you sit somewhere outside the enemy spawn and keep shooting them as they try to move out, or shoot directly into their spawn, for instance from the far end of the metal fence on Bog, where you can shoot into the spawns behind the wall.

 Post subject: Re: Spawncamping?
 Post Posted: April 30th, 2019, 11:22 am 
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Thank you, Munckey

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