I can't recall the exact day where you were put on the watch list, but I am certain that I said "please quit the constant wallbanging" - I did not direct it at you specifically, because several people were doing it. Then I think you left shortly after, so I looked up your profile and followed you.
It is very possible that you did not notice my message asking people to quit wallbanging - many people don't really pay attention to the chat, because they are busy playing, so we often experience people who don't react at all until they are kicked once. But our rules apply to everyone, whether they are aware of them or not, so "I didn't see that" is not a valid excuse. (I am
not saying that this applies to you, just stating the facts)
I appreciate you reaching out on here, and now that you are aware of what's happened, everything is fine.
We are happy to kill and be killed by you