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 Post Posted: March 27th, 2018, 3:52 pm 
Selector Admin
Selector Admin
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Joined: June 3rd, 2016, 2:35 pm
Posts: 113
Location: Denmark
Hello all,

Due to Internet problems I haven't been able to create TTW and manage both this and Discord. Since therecords have gone 1 1/2 years I would like to both refreshing the rules/directions for TTW and rules for discord. At the bottom of the page there will also be an guide how to use the bots there currently r running on Discord togheter with download link for discord.

The Topic of the Week
First of all , all topic must follow the rules of our clan.
Second, the rules r short. Replying to topics is free and can be done both by writing an answer or sharing and file/picture. Answering must follow the topic like ex. Is the topic about cars don't start talking about my little pony...
Suggestions or ideas for topics is always welcome.

As an relative new tool as an clan there will be added new things in the future togheter with discord hopefully been used more :mrgreen: As an few chat rules seen below, common clan rules also apply.
1) No Racist talking
2) No discussion, of any type with negative outcome is allowed. Private messaging is for such things.
3) Political talking is allowed as long it sticks with rule 2
4)If by request someone wants to change the topic due to personal/other reasons pls respect it.

Also 3 topics have been added: Music Corner, Book Corner and Movie Corner.
Common for them all is that each week an new title will be announced.
Pls give an review of the title and eventually give ideas of other titles as well.

On Discord we have as well bots. Bots r both for management and fun/entertainment.
For the time we only have bot:
Avalre: An complete list over commands will be found at Info Channel

Hope that all finds help or just an refreshing refreshments in this. Also I hope plp will use Discord even more.

The one and only,

Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life not to deny my humanity but embrace it

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