Just posting for the record in case he comes in wondering why he was asked to change his name. There is absolutely no problem with it, it is not in violation of our rules at all. Tarzan and Mouse were both in game, Tarzan agreed it wasn't against our rules.
But The Bot, the sensitive lil bastard that it can sometimes be, raised hell about it being offensive.
Anyway, we're more than willing to clear the warnings when they pop up in these instances obviously, but when there is no admin on it will result in a ban for no reason. So in the interest of avoiding that whole fiasco, I asked him to change his name, at least temporarily, until The Bot could be spanked.
Attachments: |
File comment: Name & @ID
COD4 MW MP-07-16-2018 13-21-44-108.jpg [ 189.5 KiB | Viewed 6246 times ]
File comment: Warning & Cleared
COD4 MW MP-07-16-2018 13-22-12-943.jpg [ 178.26 KiB | Viewed 6246 times ]